RAC Resources

CMS Provider Option Chart: CMS published a chart outlining provider options for RAC overpayment determinations.

CMS updates to the Medicare Financial Management Manual RAC information: CMS updated the Medicare Financial Management Manual on June 12, 2009, and again on April 23, 2010.
2009: http://www.medicarefind.com/searchdetails/Transmittals/Attachments/R152FM.pdf
2010: http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Transmittals/downloads/R167FM.pdf
Current: http://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-Guidance/Guidance/Manuals/downloads/fin106c04.pdf

CMS RAC: Overview, Information and Updates on the RAC Program from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

CMS Open Door Forum on RACs 4/8/2009: Transcript from Part A Provider Forum. Includes information, as well as responses to provider questions regarding the RAC program.

Medicare Appeals Council Decisions: Select Decisions from the Medicare Appeals Council (MAC) posted by HHS. May be of interest in defending RAC and other Medicare or Medicaid audits.

CGI RAC Information Site: Website of the Medicare RAC for Region B. Contains educational information, helpful links and information regarding outreach programs.

CMS Open Door Forum on Medicare Part A & RACs 11/12/2008: Transcript from forum regarding Medicare Part A & RACs. Includes information and responses to questions regarding the RAC program.

CMS Open Door Forum on Medicare Part B & RACS 11/13/2008: Transcript from forum regarding Medicare Part B & RACs. Includes information and responses to questions regarding the RAC program.

Letter to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting review of the RAC program: Letter dated July 11, 2008 to the GAO from Congressman Dingell et al requesting a study of the Medicare RAC program.

DCS Healthcare Information Site: Website for Medicare RAC Region A

Connolly RAC Information Site: Website for Medicare RAC Region C

HealthDataInsights RAC Information: Website for Medicare RAC Region D

RAC Statement of Work: Resource containing the final RAC Statement of Work and contingency percentages.

RAC Contingency Fee Percentage: Resource containing the final RAC contingency percentages.

RAC Frequently Asked Questions: Page on the American Hospital Association website listing FAQs regarding the RAC program.

RAC Medical Record Request Limits: Information from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) regarding Medical Record request limits.

Additional Resources

Medicare Appeals Process Brochure: CMS released a brochure summarizing the phases of the Medicare appeals process.

CMS Report to Congress FY 2010: CMS released it Report to Congress for its 2010 fiscal year.

RAC contact information: CMS released a chart listing the contact information for the RACs.

CMS limitation on recoupment information: CMS released a MLN Matters article discussing information on the recoupment of overpayments.

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